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Ad Free site, just like its older sister-site, is a free, non-commercial website. All the contents are provided to you for free, but it doesn't mean running and maintaining the website doesn't cost money. With over 50 thousand visitors a day and almost 1,500,000 visits a month our traffic and webhosting costs are much more than what we could cover ourselves. A dedicated server and almost 200 gigabytes of traffic each month cost over US$6000 a year, not to mention all the remaining costs like Internet access or equipment.

Maintaining the website devoted to the Maemo platform is actually even harder, due to an overwhelming percentage of software being free and thus not providing any revenue like in case of Symbian OS. Therefore, in case of the Maemo platform, the only sources of revenue for a website like this one are advertising (banners and ads) and voluntary donations.

Therefore, if you find this site interesting and helpful, we would like to ask you to consider visiting our advertisers' sites (which can be done by clicking the banners you can see on the website). With absolutely no cost at your end (other than the effort to click an ad), this provides this website with a small commission which will help us cover its maintenance and running costs.

Another way to support us is donating any amount to this website. You can do this either at the My-Symbian store (by purchasing the "Support" product (which costs $10; you can also buy two or more "copies" to donate the multiple of $10) or via PayPal (you can enter any amount you wish to donate). Donating $10 or more to the site gives you the special, golden "Site supporter" rank/status on our Discussion forums distinguishing and honouring those who support us. It also removes all advertising from the discussion forum (and soon from the entire website) and gives you access to the VIP forum accessible only by Site supporters. Further benefits include among others special discounts on software in our online store and priority in obtaining help and support.

Thank you very much for your support! We'll be doing our best to repay you with interesting and helpful, free content.

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